ASPERUPGAARD Select language: Dansk English


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Asperupgaard garden and gallery is located in Asperup close to Middelfart, Island of Fuenen, Denmark.
Address: Lærkestræde 2, DK-5466 Asperup, Denmark.

In 2007 the garden was extended to 23.000m2. It's a "Wild Garden" with 400 rhododendrons (mostly wild species), 275 different magnolias, more than 500 other trees and shrubsroses (wild species and old roses), several alpines, and much more.

In 2024  the garden will be open on  Sundays:


5. , 12. , 19. & 26. of May,

2. , 9. , 16. , 23.& 30. of June,

from 10am to 5pm.

Asperupgaard Gallery is open the same days.


On this web site you'll find about 20.000 pics from the garden, sorted by 'Month', 'Plant groups' and 'Fauna'.
In 'Full index' you can see all folders of the web site.

Read articles about the garden.

The slide-show contains selected pics. If you click on one of the photos, you'll open a folder with more pics.

Pictures sorted by Plant groups plant group index
Fauna fauna index
Pictures sorted by Month monthindex
Full index